Learning to let You lead,
Putting all trust in You
Deeper into Your arms
Surrounded by You.
The things that I held so tight
Made my security
Give me the strength I need
To simply let go.

I want to be out of my depths in Your love,
Feeling Your arms so strong around me,
Out of my depths in Your love,
Out of my depths in You.

We have all been birthed by an earthly father. Some have been good, some bad, some indifferent and some unknown, but however good they might have been, none have been perfect. There is only one perfect father, and that is our Father God, our loving Heavenly Father. He loves us with an ever-lasting love, is unchangeable and ever seeks for us to enter into our divine birthright with Him, getting to know Him in a relationship of love that excels all earthly loves and comprehension, out of our depths in His love!

John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him, should not perish, but have everlasting life” FOR GOD SO LOVED THE WORLD….!! Jesus died to redeem the world, not to condemn us. Redeeming love was God’s perfect plan to reconcile man to God, back into relationship with our loving Father.

Whether our up-bringing or life experiences have been good or bad, because they were imperfect, we have all been left with certain inhibitions and imperfections that our Heavenly Father seeks to heal, to restore and redeem in order to bring us in to a closer relationship of love with Him. He is ever seeking for us to walk closer to Him to share this relationship of divine sonship. His agent on earth, His Holy Spirit, is a “gentleman”, not a dictator. David declared his experience, Psalm 18:35 “…Thy gentleness has made me great.” He woos us, convicts us, leads us, teaches us, ever seeking for us to choose the path of life that leads us forward another step into the reality of discovery of this wonderful, all-compelling love relationship with the Father, our Father God. The Holy Spirit is constantly seeking and working with us to “bring many sons to glory..”….redeeming the time and into right relationship with our Father.

We cannot earn our salvation, it was purchased with the precious blood of our Lord Jesus Christ at Calvary, God’s love plan to redeem the world He so loved. His highest desire is for us to truly know and love Him. The first article of the Westminster Confession of Faith states: “The chief end of man is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever.” Our Heavenly Father is to be enjoyed, not endured!! To reach and enjoy that goal I need healing from the scars, (known and unknown) of life. There is one way into it and that is through Jesus Christ. Scripture declares He is the Way, the Truth and the Life and the only way to the Father, (John 14:6). Truth is a confrontation with the unreality in my life. In order to enter into and enjoy the abundant life Jesus promised me, I need to confront the unreality the Holy Spirit reveals in me. He reveals to heal, not to leave me torn and broken. Jesus took my place on Calvary and bore all that for me, that through His redeeming sacrifice I might enter into the sonship He purchased there for me. He made the way, the door is open to whosoever hears His call and responds. Today, if you will hear His voice…Come!! When Jesus comes the Tempter’s power is broken, he cannot abide in the Light of God, he flees the light and loves the darkness. He loves to abide in the wounds we have buried in our lives, but our King of Light has come. Oh hallelujah!! Jesus has come to make us free!…..to lead us out of our denial and confront the truth He brings to heal us.

When we do not allow the Lord to heal our wounds, we are in denial and fill up with false gods, idols that take the place of a deeper relationship of love with our Lord. Refusing to deal with buried wounds produces negative consequences in my life. When we abide in the pain of the past and fill our lives with other interests to bury it, we may not even recognise the idols we have erected to take God’s place. Anything that takes first place in our lives before God is an idol. Anything that soothes my hurts, other than God, is a false remedy. The Lord Jesus came to fulfill the plan of God to give me an abundant life of joy and peace in Him. Esau despised his birthright and sold it. Let us not be guilty of despising our inheritance in Christ, our divine birthright offered freely to us, but purchased at so great a cost at Calvary. When the Holy Spirit brings us to an encounter with the truth to heal us and free us from the past, may we humbly respond to, and embrace His counsel for freedom and abundant life in Him.

John 8:31-32 Jesus said, “ If you continue in my word, then you are my disciples indeed. You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.
v.36 If the Son therefore shall make you free, you shall be free indeed.”

A performance related religion is of no interest to God. It is an insult after the sacrifice He provided for our redemption and standing in Christ. He desires a relationship of love with us. We disqualify ourselves from that relationship when we look at our failures, but His word tells us He has qualified us, our standing is in the righteousness of Christ. Colossians 1:12 (Amplified version) “Giving thanks to the Father, WHO HAS QUALIFIED AND MADE US FIT to share the portion which is the inheritance of the saints (God’s holy people) in the Light.” When we allow the Holy Spirit of God free rein in our lives, He will conform us to the image of Jesus Christ, rooted and grounded in the security of His love, enjoying His fullness, no fear in the storms of life, trusting Him and resting in His Presence.

We are all on a journey, none of us have arrived, but we have a loving and faithful Guide to lead us, not around in circles, but ever upwards into that deeper relationship with our loving Heavenly Father. The choice remains with us!