The love of God is unconditional.  Paul says in Rom: 8 v 38 & 39  For I am persuaded that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, 39) Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Wow!  Do I, do you, really believe what we have just read?  Let us prayerfully read again the above scripture and ask ourselves, am I fully persuaded as Paul declares himself to be?  If we just take the part which says;  things present, nor things to come, let us examine whether we are fully persuaded that God’s love is prevalent in our present circumstances, and in those to come.

What am I believing, right now, about the difficulties of my present situation?  What am I believing about my future?  Am I in fear, anticipating what might happen in any forthcoming event or situation?

1 John: 4 v 18.  There is no fear in love;  but perfect love casteth out fear:  because fear hath torment.  He that feareth is not made perfect in love.  All fear is built on a lie.  Deal with fear and fear stays near, deal with the lie, and fear will die!

If I am in fear about anything, I am not fully persuaded about the love of God and resting in his providence.  The providence of God is a protective force that arranges peoples lives.  If God be for us, who can be against us?

Okay.  So the love of God is unconditional, but the blessings of God are conditional.  Deut: 11 v 26-28  says if we obey God he will bless us, but if we disobey him he will curse us.  So the blessings of God are conditional.  Now maybe the word curse here is a little strong and relevant to the Old Testament Law, but in the New Testament we are under grace.  Jesus took the curse on himself at Calvary and now we are no longer cursed.  But I must still learn obedience.  If I am suffering in my circumstances or situations I need to ask the Holy Spirit to search my heart and show me whether the lack of God’s blessings in my life are an indication of his chastisement to teach me obedience.  Chastisement is not a curse but a part of God’s love and correction to me as a son.

If I believe what his word says;  That all things work together for good to them that love God and are called according to his purpose, (Rom 8: v 28)  then I must consent to the fact that my present situations are under his guidance and control and humbly bow to his providence in shaping my life to glorify him.  In so doing, I find a peace and a joy that passes my understanding, in spite of the difficulties of my circumstances.

1 Peter: 1 v 7  The trial of our faith is seen as something very precious to the Lord, and 1 Peter: 4 v 12-13 exhorts us to consider how we are partakers of Christ’s sufferings and shall reveal his glory with exceeding joy.